what do I plan on doing with my seminary degree when I’m done?
What do I plan on doing with my seminary degree when I’m done?
I’m so glad you asked.
This is a question I get asked so often and it’s such a valid question. The truth is that I have no idea and I don’t think it will change anything. I am more than happy for that to change and truthfully, I hope it does change things! I have never had a conventional job or life in my adult life so I have no gauge on how things should professionally progress. I have run a small business for the last 6 years and I don’t know how I will transition out of that. I desire for that to change and to be doing Coffeewithrach full time, but I don’t know how to make that happen. I would love to write full time and get paid for that. I would love to create content full time and be paid for that. But the truth of the matter is that unless you have it well off with a well paying podcast gig or consistent sponsorships or courses, you can’t make it as a content creator. So the Lord will have to open up some doors in order for that to happen.
But if that doesn’t happen, then that means it’s not intended to happen. The Lord is sovereign and is good at leading his people. I am sensitive to what he is doing and leading me to so I know He will be gracious and clear when something is to change.
God willing, I will be graduating at the end of 2023. This has brought people to asking what is next. And it’s rough because I don’t think anything will change. At least immediately. Again, I hope I'm wrong. IDK- this is just me virtually processing.
I would love to write and produce content for women. I would love to create resources for young women around the topic of singleness, relationships, modesty, and sexual sin. I believe we need equipment and resources, especially as we are being molded into who God is creating us to be. But I’m not sure financially how that is feasible.
There’s further thoughts regarding all of this into future PhD work and other certifications that would help me in ministry. I would love to study the physiology/ biology side of Sexuality so that I can speak to both physical and spiritual impacts/implications of a believers sexuality.
Who knows y’all. I think we love to have control as human beings and we love to know what’s next. We love to categorize life events and think life is a gradual progression. In a lot of ways it is, but in a lot of ways, God doesn’t work that way. We just do not know what God is doing or will do. I suppose we can guess, but even then, we won’t know.
So in the meantime, I will trust Him and go about each day with how I feel him leading me towards. I will walk in wisdom and with the resources I have. I will wait upon Him and watch Him provide! But on the flip side of that, I will need to be pursuing Him insistently.
The thought of moving to Nashville has been on my mind for a few months now because of the Christian ministry/ publishing connections that are there. That seems like what makes most sense at least right now. So we’ll see what happens. But I would love to pursue writing.
If you could, I would love prayer for discernment and wisdom as I continue in pursuing God’s call for my life. I am open to whatever he wants for me and I desire to be obedient.