Ask Rach #6: Random Q's From Y'all
Q&A about ME!
What’s your testimony? Testimony will be shared when the Lord leads me to share. Waiting on discernment and wisdom on how to share with y’all. Until then, know that it’s coming and you can read my About Me page until then!
How are you so motivated to get up and serve God? Truthfully, it’s come through devotion to Him! If you were to ask me 2 years ago what God meant to me, it wouldn’t have been the same answer today. It has come through devotion to Him and learning more of His faithfulness. If you want to grow in deeper faith for Him, put yourself into positions that you need Him and only Him. You get what you put in.
How often do you read the bible? Well I am currently on my New Testament in 2 weeks plan and loving it. So that would be about 1-2 hours a day.
Favorite christian books?
Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
-Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst
Rooted by Banning Leibscher
Woman in the Word by Jen Wilkins
How old are you? I am 22, turning 23 next month!
Favorite & Least favorite activity? Labor work, doing the dishes, going through TSA at the airports, and homework.
Pet Peeves? So many. When people interrupt me, when people don’t follow through on their plans, loud eaters, slow walkers, and when people sing around me. (I know I sound horrible, but it just genuinely makes me uncomfortable when it’s just the two of us in silence. I feel obligated to affirm their singing…. I don’t like forced compliments. But I appreciate good voices considering I don’t have one. Anyways, next question.)
Any coffee you don’t like? I don’t always love Mocha’s!! But I will still drink them.
How did the Lord call you to ministry? I believe that God calls us to what we are most weak in so that He gets the glory through our fruit that obviously didn’t come from us. So social media was that for me, I struggled for a long time within using Instagram as a tool to give me affirmation. Now look. Go God.
Who would you want to meet from the Old Testament? Hmm.. Probably Eve. I wanna hear what went through her mind regarding the decision she made to eat the fruit. And the feeling she felt afterwards.
Did you have a different plan for your life when you were younger? HA! Oh yeah. I thought I was going to be a soccer player or a lawyer or a history teacher. I definitely didn’t know this is how my life was going to be going. I have always wanted to be an author though!
Favorite holiday? I love Thanksgiving or Christmas! I love when I get to be with my direct family doing nothing with no expectations or responsibility.
What do you do for fun? I love having coffee with people! I love watching movies! I love eating donuts! I love driving and exploring new places! I love thrifting! I love playing board games!
Do you have a mentor? We’re going to get deep here… No I don’t. I have had two in the past and both have left me because I was “too much to handle.” To any of their defense, I probably wasn’t the most healthy at that time. But yeah, there’s a bit of hurt from those experiences.
How do you achieve intimacy with Jesus? I set aside time for Him and I prioritize Him. Just like any friendship.
Favorite thing about yourself? I like that I am unapologetically me. I am 100% authentic and I can’t be fake if I tried. Which of course can be bad for others, but at least they know where we stand. I am respectful, but I don’t hide if I feel a certain way towards you.
Did you grow up in a Christian household? Yes! My dad was a pastor during my childhood.
What was your favorite age or year of your life? Honestly, I loved middle school. I had so many friends and was thriving. Lol
Where do you feel God is leading you in terms of your ministry? Honestly, I am not sure. I am about to come out with my second Ebook and I have met so many of my followers. Followers aren’t necessarily a fruit, but my Instagram followers have grown over 6,000 followers within a month a half. Not by my doing at all. The Lord is carrying the ministry, it’s definitely not me.
Is it hard for you to feel deeply? Honestly I love this question, wow. Truthfully, I used to think emotions and feelings were from the devil. LOL. I thought if you were mad at someone, you weren’t forgiving enough. If you were sad, you obviously didn’t have enough faith. And so on. But then I realized that when we allow ourselves to feel our emotions, we allow ourselves to realize how much more we NEED God. For example, if I am extremely sad, God gets to reveal Himself to me in a whole new way as a loving, comforting Father. I couldn’t see that in Him if I just suppressed those feelings. It’s when we allow ourselves to feel that we realize how much we need a Father, comforter, helper, counselor, and protector through the Holy Spirit.